Monday, July 18, 2005

...Its finished

At 11.46 last night I finished the new Harry potter book. Having got in on Saturday at about 3.30 (my bro on the other hand stayed up and went and got it a midnight on friday!) So I then made it into a race with my bro... (who is incidentally still reading it!) only problem is that I now have to not say anything about it, so as to not give anything away!! Hopefully he'll finish it soon and then we can talk about it.
I did really enjoy it, only now I have to wait about 2 years for the next one!

Friday, July 15, 2005

its been so long..

I've been being pestered by one of my friends to actually write stuff on my blog, so today I'm trying out adding pictures!
can you see the duck?
this is the garden of a national trust house in Richmond I went with my mum when she came to visit me at uni last term!