The wide and varied spelling mistakes
I've now had 2 people commenting on my spelling mistakes, so I've desided to give the reason why they are there.
When I was in year 11 I did coursework just like everyone else. When I was in year 12 my geography teacher asked me one day if she'd given me my GCES coursework back, I said no, and she then said that it seemed to have gone missing, but that she was sure she'd find it. Nothing happened for about 4months, till one day the really scary head of senior school came and got me out of maths one afternoon. As we let the classroom she told me that I hadn't done anything, she just wanted me to come and look at something. (I think I must have looked really scared!) We arrived at her office, and there was my geography teacher looking at some work. They told me to sit down and to look at some of the work and asked if it was mine. It was! I was then sent away with the task of finding the work on the computer at home, and the photos and then bringing them in for the head to look at. Done. About 3 weeks later my geography told me the story (mentioning no names!) She had shown my years coursework to the year below. At the end of the lesson she collected them all in and carried them to the staff room, where she went through them to check she had them all. Only mine was missing, she then went back and searched the geography room, and then she looked the the classes bags to see if they had it, none of them did. then when she was marking their coursework she came across a spelling mistake. As she looked through the work the same mistake can up again and again. She then looked at the results and graphs, she thought she'd seen some of them before. After a closer inspection of the document she desided that it wasn't the girls work and that infact it was mine. This was where I entered being asked to identify if it was mine.
So there you have it the reason behind my mistakes, to make sure that eveyone knows that it is really my work!
By the way... can you email/text me your Egham address please??
Hey, it works for Ordinance Survey too. They put bends in rivers and the like that don't really exist so they can tell when they've been copied.
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